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Twenty Something Travel

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Welcome to Twenty Something Travel!akumal

Welcome to Twenty Something Travel. This website is geared specifically for all of you twenty something travelers. Whether you're a college student, young professional, or just regular twenty something year old you will find tons of useful information to get you up, out the door and on your way to the travel adventure of your dreams!

This site was started by a young man in his early twenties with a profound passion for travel. Always looking to plan that next adventure he can be found pouring over Google maps, reading travel blogs, daydreaming about sunny beaches or, ideally, on the road travelling. In fact this site has both a video and print blog where you can follow his journeys as they unfold. If you are interested in learning more about Jack, and his crazy travelling ways, go to the About section of this website where all questions will be answered and all mysteries revealed. There is also a section of the site that is dedicated to travel information that will help you plan, enhance and experience your journey to the outmost. Full of all sorts of information: from what state or national park to visit, to what beaches to go to, to where to find the best out of the way local dining establishments, this section is a great resource for anybody who is looking to find out more info and get ideas for their future travels.




Copywrite ©2009 Jack Atlasov