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It is my sincere hope that this site helps you realize all of your travelling dreams and desires.Jack Atlasov

My name is Jack Atlasov and I am 23 years old. Maybe it has something to do with my ADD but I have always loved to travel and see new places. It seems like whenever I try to stay anywhere for too long the open road starts to call to me, and I just have to go check out what is hiding over the horizon.

After many small trips, a few middle length journeys and one good sized adventure I have decided that the time has come to really up the ante and have myself one hell of a life changing experience. So this summer my friend and I are going to be traveling throughout the North American and Central American continents. In order to better document this and to help raise awareness of our trip, I have decided to start this website. But this site is more than just your average run of the mill travel blog. My hope and goal is to let this site be a reflection of the change that will undoubtedly occur in my life as I go through this incredible adventure. I also intend to create videos, photography and various other media as I go about my journey. The site will act as my very own small business where I can connect with you, and, if you so choose, you can help sustain the adventure by buying the products that I post onto the site.

Many people would say, especially in these uncertain economic times, that travelling for so long is not a good idea (especially because I don't exactly have a million dollars to spend, and travelling can get pretty expensive). These people usually say something like..."You should focus on getting a job, maybe even starting a career." Or, "I think you should stay in school and go for your Masters." These are all wonderful things, I'm sure, and I know that the people who say them have nothing but the best intentions and want nothing but the best for me, however, I also believe that we each only have the one life to live and that, ultimately, we don't have to live the life that other people say we do. That's why I have decided to pursue my passion of travel, and it is my sincere hope that this Web-site helps you with all of your travelling dreams and desires.



Copywrite ©2009 Jack Atlasov